Thursday, September 10, 2009

Assignment Six

(I read through a little of each, but mostly focused on The Rights of the Colonists by Samual Adams.)

1. What did you learn about life during the revolutionary era from reading this document? I learned about the American struggle for freedom; freedom of religion, life, land, and liberty. The Americans wanted desperately to be independent from Britain rule and regulation. They strived for the revolution, to become an independent country.

2. What surprised you the most about what you read? What surprised me the most about the American Revolution was the Americans' determination. The commonfolk, the Continental Congress, and the Continental Army/Navy were all so determined that despite all odds (fewer, barely-trained men), they won the war. The American fight for freedom surprised but inspired me. It showed me that no matter what the odds against you are, you can win with enough hope and determination.

1 comment:

  1. Great explanation for your second response. The American Revolution also inspired similar independence movements around the world.

    Good post. 30/30 points.
